Lifestyle Habits That Make Snoring Worse

If you or your sleep partner suffer from snoring, chances are you’re both suffering. Snoring disrupts both the sleeper and the other person. Sometimes snoring can get so loud it resonates throughout a home, disturbing other family members who are trying to get their rest.Snoring treatment in Las Vegas, NV is available, but there are some lifestyle habits that make snoring worse, so be aware of those, as well.

Being Overweight

Even mildly overweight people are more prone to snoring. This is partially because there is more skin tissue, which can shrink the airway ever so much. Consider dropping a few pounds if you can safely do so, and see if it helps reduce your snoring.

Drinking in the Evening

Alcohol is a depressant in more than one way. It causes muscles to relax, including the muscles in and around the airway. You’re much more likely to snore after a night of drinking than a night of not drinking, due to this reason.

Sleeping on Your Back

When you sleep on your back, the airway is constricted just a little bit, especially if your head is tilted up. That little bit of airway constriction can cause snoring. Consider sleeping on your side. If you tend to roll over again onto your back while asleep, consider tucking a pillow behind your back to keep you from moving onto your back.

Drug Use

Drugs can cause the same snoring problems that alcohol use can cause. Muscles relax and the snoring begins. There are many reasons not to use recreational drugs. Snoring is just one of many.

If you havesleep problems in Las Vegas, NV of any kind, contact us right away for an evaluation. Whether it’s just snoring, sleep apnea or something else, treatment is available.

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